LockPass for Large Enterprises
A digital vault certified by ANSSI
Managing an IT park of several thousand workstations requires providing simple and integrated solutions to limit the use of consumer tools and the proliferation of bad practices in access management and information sharing.
Whether it’s human resources, legal, finance, or marketing, the goal remains the same for business departments: create value internally and for your customers.
The adoption of good cybersecurity practices must therefore be done through simple and integrated tools and should not hinder the productivity of teams.
The exposure surface of a large group necessitates an end-to-end approach in terms of security.
CSPN certified on the application part, LockSelf offers data hosting on dedicated servers located in France (Outscale) or directly on your own servers.
LockSelf offers extensive interconnection with your company directories to enable massive and smooth deployment of different modules and real-time synchronization of access rights.
SNCF secures the practices of its employees with the LockSelf vault
High level of security requirements, simplicity of the tools in the LockSelf suite, all factors that allow the group's employees to share files securely today and to adopt good password management practices.
France Télévision uses LockPass
As a national public broadcaster, France Télévision group is highly exposed to cyber risk. Eager to reduce this exposure surface, the group chose to manage its passwords in a centralized way. Implementing good practices for its employees, strong password policies, and control of access rights are now topics covered by the LockPass solution.
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